
15th February 2018 at 3:29pm
CurriculumVitae nicolaw

I consistently come out as a combination of INTJ and INFJ, IN[TF]J if you will.

The Counselor – INFJ Personality

INFJs are visionaries and idealists who ooze creative imagination and brilliant ideas. They have a different, and usually more profound, way of looking at the world. They have a substance and depth in the way they think, never taking anything at surface level or accepting things the way they are. Others may sometimes perceive them as weird or amusing because of their different outlook on life.

The Mastermind – INTJ Personality

INTJs, as introverts, are quiet, reserved, and comfortable being alone. They are usually self-sufficient and would rather work alone than in a group. Socializing drains an introvert’s energy, causing them to need to recharge. INTJs are interested in ideas and theories. When observing the world they are always questioning why things happen the way they do. They excel at developing plans and strategies, and don’t like uncertainty.