is used by the apt
package manager on Debian-based systems, as well as being being the default diahlog program on many RedHat derived systems. This probably makes whiptail
the slightly more portable / reliable of the two to use if you must choose between them.
However, from the whiptail
whiptail is designed to be drop-in compatible with dialog(1), but has less features: some dialog boxes are not implemented, such as tailbox, timebox, calendarbox, etc.
Because of this, why not just use whichever program happens to be installed?
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
is_in_path () {
type -P "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
dia_menu () {
declare dia="exit" dia_esc=""
while : ; do
is_in_path dialog && DIA=dialog && DIA_ESC=-- && break
is_in_path whiptail && DIA=whiptail && break
>&2 echo "Missing dialog command; exiting!" && exit 2
declare -A arg="$1"; shift
$dia \
--backtitle "${arg[backtitle]}" \
--title "${arg[title]}" \
--menu "${arg[question]}" \
0 0 0 $dia_esc "$@"
main () {
dia_menu '([backtitle]="Backtitle"
[question]="Please choose:")' \
"Option A" "Description A" \
"Option B" "Description B" \
"Option C" "Description C"
main "$@"