Kitty Cottage, 38a Station Road

nicolaw 28th January 2020 at 5:41am
  • Paint a nice colour and paint a suitable house name and number on the outside
  • Insulate inside of the shed
  • Cat flap installed on side
  • Tube heater installed vertically on inner wall
  • Shelves staggered on inside to provide steps to upper room
  • Comfy mats installed on shelves
  • Access hole made in floor of upper deck to allow passage from below
  • Heated pet mat installed on floor of upper room
  • Small acrylic dome hemisphere window installed in upper door
  • Make both doors draught-proof
  • Install more substantial door latches
  • Maybe a small warm colour LED light in the shelved "lobby" ;-)
  • Maybe a Google Nest camera in the upper room

Sources of Inspiration
