[profile development]
s3 =
max_concurrent_requests = 20
max_queue_size = 10000
multipart_threshold = 64MB
multipart_chunksize = 16MB
max_bandwidth = 50MB/s
use_accelerate_endpoint = true
addressing_style = path
$ aws configure set default.s3.max_concurrent_requests 20
$ aws configure set default.s3.max_queue_size 10000
$ aws configure set default.s3.multipart_threshold 64MB
$ aws configure set default.s3.multipart_chunksize 16MB
$ aws configure set default.s3.max_bandwidth 50MB/s
$ aws configure set default.s3.use_accelerate_endpoint true
$ aws configure set default.s3.addressing_style path
aws logs describe-log-groups --query 'logGroups[*].logGroupName' \
| jq -r .[]
aws logs describe-log-groups --query 'logGroups[*].logGroupName' \
| jq -r '.[]|select(.|contains("StringIWantToMatch"))' \
| while read -r logGroupName
aws logs delete-log-group --log-group-name "$logGroupName"
aws ec2 describe-images \
--owners amazon \
--filters \
"Name=name,Values=amzn2-ami-hvm-2.0.*" \
"Name=description,Values=Amazon Linux 2 AMI 2.0.* HVM gp2" \
"Name=root-device-type,Values=ebs" \
"Name=owner-alias,Values=amazon" \
"Name=virtualization-type,Values=hvm" \
"Name=architecture,Values=x86_64" \
| jq '.Images[]|.Description'
Remember that the --filter
argument may also accept a JSON file containing a filter specification:
$ cat filters.json
"Name": "instance-type",
"Values": ["m1.small", "m1.medium"]
"Name": "availability-zone",
"Values": ["us-west-2c"]
$ aws ec2 describe-instances --filters file://filters.json
Taken from the manual:
You can search for resources that do not match a specified value. For example, to list all instances that are not terminated, search by the Instance State field, and prefix the Terminated value with an exclamation mark (!
When searching by field, you can also enter a partial string to find all resources that contain the string in that field. For example, search by Instance Type, and then type t2
to find all t2.micro
, t2.small
or t2.medium
Regular expressions are useful when you need to match the values in a field with a specific pattern. For example, search by the Name tag, and then type ^s.*
to see all instances with a Name tag that starts with an 's'. Regular expression search is not case-sensitive.
aws ec2 describe-instances --region=eu-west-1 --output json | jq -r '.Reservations[].Instances[]|(select( (.InstanceType|startswith("m5.")|not) and (.InstanceType|startswith("t3.")|not) ))|[.InstanceId, (.Tags[]|select(.Key == "Name")|.Value), .State.Name, .InstanceType]|join(",")'
$ aws --profile production --region eu-west-2 ec2 describe-images --owners amazon --filters "Name=root-device-type,Values=ebs" "Name=name,Values=Windows_Server-2019-English-Full-Base-*" "Name=virtualization-type,Values=hvm" --query "sort_by(Images, &CreationDate)[-1].ImageId" --output text