Just a random whiptail
example that someone asked me for.
set -euo pipefail
whiptail() {
command whiptail --fb "$@"
msgbox() {
whiptail \
--title "${1:-default title}" \
--msgbox "${2:-default message}" \
${3:-10} ${4:-60}
inputbox() {
whiptail \
--title "${1:-default title}" \
--inputbox "${2:-default message}" \
${4:-10} ${5:-60} "${3:-}" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3
validate_hostname() {
# Validate characters, starting with a letter, ending in .splunk.
[[ "${1:-}" =~ ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\.-]+\.splunk$ ]]
main() {
msgbox "Splunk I.D. Configuration" "The Splunk I.D. will now be configured."
local hostname="${1:-$(hostname).splunk}"
local rc=0
while hostname="$(inputbox \
"Configure Splunk I.D." \
"Enter the I.D. of the splunk server:" "$hostname")" || rc=$?
! validate_hostname "$hostname"
if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]]; then
>&2 echo "Aborted."
return $rc
elif [[ -z "$hostname" ]]; then
msgbox \
"Invalid Splunk I.D." \
"Please enter a valid Splunk I.D."
msgbox \
"Invalid Splunk I.D." \
"Sorry, '$hostname' is not a valid Splunk I.D."
msgbox \
"Thank you." \
"Your Splunk I.D. of $hostname has been accepted."
# Do whatever you need to do here.
#hostname "$hostname"
main "$@"